144th AES International Convention Registration
Exhibits: May 24-26, 2018 • Program: May 23-26, 2018 • Milan, Italy
Register Now!
Advance registration is now over, but you can still register and pay the onsite prices until the convention ends.

Exhibits-Plus badges are your ticket to the AES Exhibition, PLUS you can attend Special Events and the Professional Sound Expo.
VIP codes for free Exhibits-Plus badges can be obtained via
AES Milan Exhibitors or Sponsors and from a number of social media posts.
Don't delay... Sign up for your Exhibits-Plus badge today!

All Access badges are available to everyone looking to take their knowledge and professional career to the next level. The AES Convention will once again be the place to meet and network with the top names in audio engineering as they gather to cover the latest developments in professional audio through a diverse program of workshops, tutorials, papers and more. All Access badge-holders may attend all on-site AES events. (Tickets for Milan-area tech tours cost extra and can be purchased on-site.)
Don't delay... Sign up for your All Access badge today!