AES Los Angeles 2014
Broadcast & Streaming Media Track Event B2
Thursday, October 9, 2:15 pm — 4:15 pm (Room 408 A)
Broadcast and Streaming Media: B2 - Loudness for Streaming and Radio
Chair:Thomas Lund, TC Electronic A/S - Risskov, Denmark
Thomas Box, DTS Inc. - Calabasas, CA, USA
Frank Foti, Telos - New York, NY, USA
John Kean, NPR Labs - Washington DC, USA; National Public Radio
Scott Norcross, Dolby Laboratories - San Francisco, CA, USA
Robert Orban, Orban - San Leandro, CA, USA
The average consumer today stands little chance of accessing audio of even just the quality of compact cassette. The loudness wars devour most new productions as well as remastered tracks and current legislation to prevent early hearing loss from listening to mobile devices promotes "music-sausaging" further.
Results from CEA's new study on Loudness Range for Consumers in Various Listening Modes and Ambient Noise Levels are presented, and leveling challenges in mobile and streaming are described. Finally, the panel will discuss if FM radio is a lost cause or if a better audio quality could be delivered to consumers, e.g., using the same loudness metrics now employed in TV.
Focus will be on technical and perceptual issues without the mentioning of commercial products.