Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2013

AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Glenn Leembruggen

Glenn Leembruggen

Primary Affiliation: Acoustics Directions Pty Ltd. - Summer Hill, NSW, Australia
Secondary Affiliation: Sydney University
AES Member Type: Member

Glenn Leembruggen is a principal of the consulting engineering firms Acoustic Directions and ICE Design in Australia and is also an Associate of Sydney University. Playing saxophone in a Chicago style electric-blues band, Glenn is quite passionate about the left and right brain aspects of sound – the physics and engineering and the aural experience.

Having studied both electrical engineering and acoustics at Sydney University, his skills encompass detailed loudspeaker design through to building acoustics. His primary work is designing rooms and sound systems to deliver extremely high quality sound, primarily associated with courts, parliaments, transport terminals, road tunnels and cathedrals.

Glenn was a member of the steering committee that set up the Graduate Audio Programme at Sydney University and taught electro-acoustics in that Programme for some years. In the 1990’s Glenn’s company, Elecoustics was given two AES Achievement Awards by the Australian AES Chapter for its design of sound systems for the Australian Parliament and the Australian High Court. In 2012, Acoustic Directions received an AVIA award for engineering excellence for its design and commissioning work of the sound system in the Grand Concourse at Sydney’s Central station, while in 2013, Acoustic Directions received an AVIA Award for Best Installation under $500k for the outdoor cinema at Chatswood Sydney.

Among Glenn's research interests are the differences that exist between subjective and measured speech intelligibility, why cinema sound is often so poor, and the measurement and prediction of acoustic absorption systems. Glenn is member of the AES, ASA, IOA and SMPTE and is a member of the Maintenance Team for the Speech Transmission Index standard IEC 60268-16. Currently, Glenn has an active role in the SMPTE B Chain Theatre Testing Group, providing all the acoustic data processing for its report. Glenn has published papers in the AES and IOA Journals and is a frequent presenter at IOA conferences.

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Session List

Oct 18: SP2: Cinema Sound Standards Collapse Leaving Turmoil—An Overview of the State of the Art (Panelist)

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AES - Audio Engineering Society