AES San Francisco 2012
Exhibits-Only Badge Event PSE2

Saturday, October 27, 12:00 pm — 1:00 pm (Proj St EX)

Project Studio Expo: PSE2 - Total Tracking: Get It Right At Source
Choosing & Recording Your Sound Source

Hugh Robjohns, Technical Editor, Sound on Sound - Crowle, UK
Bill Gibson, Hal Leonard Performing Arts Publishing Group - Seattle, WA, USA; The Art Institute of Seattle

Total Tracking: Get It Right At Source: Choosing & Recording Your Sound Source

The astonishing and ever-improving power and versatility of digital signal processing plug-ins for computer audio workstations has encouraged the widespread belief that everything can be "fixed in the mix"— and in many cases, of course, it can. However, this approach is always extremely time-consuming and the results aren’t always perfect. It is often much faster, and with far more satisfying results, to get the right sound from the outset by careful selection of the source and appropriate microphone selection and positioning. This workshop will explore a wide variety of examples, analyzing the requirements and discussing practical techniques of optimising source recordings.

Return to Exhibits-Only Badge Events

EXHIBITION HOURS October 27th 10am ��� 6pm October 28th 10am ��� 6pm October 29th 10am ��� 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 25th 3pm ��� 7pm October 26th 8am ��� 6pm October 27th 8am ��� 6pm October 28th 8am ��� 6pm October 29th 8am ��� 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 26th 9am ��� 7pm October 27th 9am ��� 7pm October 28th 9am ��� 7pm October 29th 9am ��� 5pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society