AES London 2010
Tutorial T1

Saturday, May 22, 14:00 — 15:30 (Room C6)

T1 - Do-it-Yourself Semantic Audio

Jörn Loviscach, Fachhochschule Bielefeld (University of Applied Sciences) - Bielefeld, Germany

Content-based music information retrieval (MIR) and similar applications require advanced algorithms that often overburden non-expert developers. However, many building blocks are available—mostly for free—to significantly ease software development, for instance of similarity search methods, or to serve as components for ad-hoc solutions, for instance in forensics or linguistics. This tutorial looks into software libraries/frameworks (e.g., MARSYAS
and CLAM), toolboxes (e.g., MIRtoolbox), Web-based services (e.g., Echo
Nest), and stand-alone software (e.g., The Sonic Visualizer) that help
with the extraction of audio features and/or execute basic machine
learning algorithms. Focusing on solutions that require little to no programming in the classical sense, the tutorial's major part consists in live demos of hand-picked routes to roll one's own semantic audio application.