AES Munich 2009
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Book your seminar

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Exhibitor Seminars

Dear Exhibitor,

You have chosen to take advantage of the possibility to hold an Exhibitor Seminar. This feature at the AES convention gives you the possibility to give in-depth explanation about the background and features of your products or services.

Time slots can be applied for by filling out this page. The final allocation of time slots applied for will complement the convention program.
Cost for 1 hour is 400€ + VAT and includes
  • rental of the room with standard conference audio equipment and a podium with microphone and a data projector (beamer) for connection to presenter's own laptop computer)
  • 5.1 Play-back equipment: SA-CD, DVD Audio, DVD Video and 5.1 from computer-audio compatible
  • publication of your seminar abstract in a program booklet
  • publication of your seminar abstract on the AES website

  • Time slots must be applied for by April 4th, 2009.

    Please enter your file number:
    Please enter your post code:

    If you don't know your file number, please contact the AES Europe office.