
An industry perspective on commercializing semantic audio technology

Jay LeBoeuf

Strategic Technology Director at iZotope, Inc., USA.

Thanks to mobile devices, cloud-computing, and seemingly unlimited storage and computing power, we are seeing a great dawn of products that include semantic audio analysis (SAA) technologies.  Companies include SAA techniques to provide customers with magical user experiences, simplified workflows, and extraordinary access to massive media collections.

Despite some success, there remains a pervasive myth that industry does not want semantic audio analysis.  Industry executives seek out disruptive innovations, revolutionary workflows, and new means of monetizing content.  They are not interested in the latest algorithmic advances in query by humming, key estimation, or speaker segmentation; rather, they are interested in the applications enabled by these underlying technologies. 

This talk will discuss the challenges of bringing applied SAA research from the lab to industry.  The author will address common industry misconceptions, opportunities for increased industry / academic engagement, and present real-world challenges from the audio and music production industry.


Bio of presenter

Jay LeBoeuf is an technology executive and entrepreneur in the media creation and production industry. Jay founded and was CEO of intelligent audio technology company Imagine Research, which was acquired by iZotope in March 2012. While creating a "Google for Sound", Jay was recognized as a Bloomberg Businessweek Innovator, awarded $1.1M in Small Business Innovation Research grants by the U.S. National Science Foundation, and interviewed on BBC World, Science 360, and other major media outlets. Prior to founding Imagine Research, LeBoeuf was a researcher in the Advanced Technology Group at Digidesign (Avid Technology) in charge of innovations for the industry-standard Pro Tools platform. LeBoeuf is now Strategic Technology Director at iZotope, Inc and lectures on audio and machine learning at Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).  LeBoeuf served as the Vice-Chair of AES Semantic Audio Technical Committee.


AES - Audio Engineering Society