
Venue & Facilities

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A women in white is wearing headphones and looking up. Text above her head says '2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio. March 27-29, 2019. York, UK.

Main Venue

Contemporary Music Research Centre, University of York

MRC location on Google Maps

Searchable campus map


The conference will take place at the Contemporary Music Research Centre (CMRC) at the University of York. The Music Research Centre is attached to the Music Department and houses professional standard acoustic and recording facilities. The building has been designed to the highest acoustic standard and includes the UK's premier listening environment for reproduced sound - the 150 seat Rymer Auditorium. The centre is equipped for creative work with digital technology including composition, surround sound and interactive performance. 

Room map of the MRC:



Main Room: Rymer Auditorium (CMRC)

5.1 Genelec Surround (Genelec 1037C), 16 Speaker Ambisonic Rig, Full-wall HD Projection Screen

A panoramic view of the Rymer auditorium from the stage. The walls are blue, the floor is dark brown. There are 3 large loudspeakers visible with a table in the centre of the stage. Lines of blue fold-down chairs can be seen in tiers going towards the back of the room with steps up each side.


Satellite Venue


Some demonstration sessions will take place at the AudioLab, a 10-minute walk across campus. More information about the demos and tours can be found on the AudioLab Demos page.

Map Source

Room Map:

Venue locations can be seen on this map


The following information is intended to assist in the planning of workshops and tutorials.
Please note, room allocation is subject to change. 


The following rooms are available for workshops at CRMC:

Trevor Jone Studio Control Room & Live Room

Control room:

  • Size: ~10 people
  • Equipment: SSL Duality, Mac Pro, 2 x Genelec 1037C, 5 x Genelec 8020B
  • Software: Reaper, Logic Pro X, Ableton Live 9, ProTools 11, Nuendo, MaxMSP 6

Live room:

  • Size: ~25-30 people
  • Equipment: Music Stands, Microphone Stands, Reflective Panels
RVW Studio
  • Size: ~5 people
  • Equipment: Mac Pro, MOTU 896 Mk1, SPL SMC Surround Monitor Controller, 2 x ATC SCM20SL, 7 x Genelec HT205
  • Software: Reaper, Logic Pro X, Ableton Live 9, Nuendo, MaxMSP 6, Final Cut Pro X


The following rooms at CMRC are available for tutorials, or workshops with minimal setup requirements: 

MRC Teaching Room:
  • Size: ~25 people
  • Equipment: 2 x Genelec HT205 wall-mounted, Projector
  • Size: ~40 people
  • Equipment: 2 wall-mounted speakers, Projector, Chairs, Tables


Additional facilities are available in the AudioLab (Electronic Engineering Dept., 10 minute walk): 

Dedicated Virtual Audio Laboratory:
  • Size: groups of 9 people
  • Equipment: PC, Ferrofish A32 Dante (x2), 50 channel spherical array (Genelec 8040/8030)
  • Software: Reaper, Cubase 9.5 Pro, Nuendo 8, Max 7
11.1 Surround Recording Studio:
  • Size: ~8 people
  • Equipment: PC, MOTU 16A, 11.1 Monitoring (Genelec 8040/8030/7060)
  • Software: Reaper, Ableton Live Suite 10, Cubase 9.5 Pro, Nuendo 8, Pro Tools 12
Dedicated wired headphone listening space:
  • Size: ~30 people
  • Equipment: Mac Mini, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, 5.1 Monitoring (Genelec 8030/7060), 32 channel wired headphone system
  • Software: Reaper, Cubase 9.5 Pro, Nuendo 8


AES - Audio Engineering Society