
Program: Tutorial DT9

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  A women in white is wearing headphones and looking up. Text above her head says '2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio. March 27-29, 2019. York, UK.


Tutorial DT9 - Interactive Workflows for Linear Soundtrack Creation


Finlay Braithwaite


This workshop recreates the process used to design the soundtrack for Roborace’s DBOX racing simulator at Hypefest 2018. Roborace is rapidly developing artificial intelligence racing car series that reimagines the horizons of motorsports. In this workshop, participants leverage the power of Unity and the Resonance Audio engine to create their own immersive ambisonic soundtrack. With animation assets of the race, participants harness data from the animation to design roaring engines, squealing tires, and an out-of-this-world user interface. Harnessing the power of the Resonance Audio engine, participants position their responsive sound design in three dimensions, bringing the race to life with realistic spatial positioning and a thrilling doppler effect. This spatial realism is taken a step further by creating reverberant structures for the cars to pass through. 

Functionally, participants are engaged in the world of Unity where the experienced user and beginner alike gain insight into the potential of game engines in the creation of linear media soundtracks. Participants learn the functional elements of importing 3d motion assets and designing audio with them using a combination of sampled audio, synthesis, and simple scripting techniques. While providing a foundation for using the Resonance Audio engine, the workshop dives into advanced techniques of capturing an output of the game engine in an ambisonic audio file. 


Finlay Braithwaite is an audio professional and educator based out of Toronto, Canada. In addition to his portfolio of film, broadcast, and commercial work, Finlay is an adjunct professor in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University. Over the last twelve years, he developed and taught audio production courses for all levels of study and is currently developing a new immersive and interactive audio curriculum. Finlay is currently completing his MDes at OCAD University where he is creating a positionally-aware microphone and DSP time-of-arrival alignment system.