

The conference committee invites interested parties to propose demonstrations, workshops, or thematically suited product presentations.

For this purpose we can offer a 140m² demo space to be shared by multiple parties (providing European standard power supplies, and no treatment against acoustic cross talk). Places for presentation of table top demos (i.e. including only a laptop, sound card & headphones) are free of charge. Space for setting up small booths of 4-10 m² may be requested for fees between 400-1000U$. Spaces for larger exclusive booths may be made available on special request.

Demo presenters which do not take already part in the scientific program will have to register as “Presenters” (Early Bird: 380 U$, see 

We would like to emphasize that the AES Int. Conf. on Headphone Technologies is a scientific conference in the first place; therefore, it does not host a product fair per se. Proposed product presentations will be reviewed with respect to in how far they feature a thematic bonus to the scientific program. Written proposals (~ 1 page) should include a short description, and a statement about technical requirements and be sent to [email protected] by May 31, 2016. Notifications of acceptance will be emailed by July 15, 2016

A Best Demonstration will be elected based on decision of the conference audience. A Best Demo Award including a certificate will be presented at the conference closing ceremony.

AES - Audio Engineering Society