
AES News


AES Show Fall 2020 Call for Contributions Updated

AES Show Fall 2020 Call for Contributions Updated

The Call for Contributions for the AES Show Fall 2020 Convention to be held in October 2020 has been updated:

Workshop and Panel Proposals deadline: July 1, 2020

Paper Proposals (Category 1 and 2) deadline: July 1, 2020 
Acceptance (précis proposals, Category 2) emailed: July 27, 2020
Acceptance (full Papers, Category 1) emailed: July 27, 2020 
Final manuscript (Catagory 1 and 2) deadline: August 15, 2020

Engineering Brief (Category 3) proposal deadline: August 1, 2020
Engineering Brief (Category 3) 1–5 page PDF deadline: August 31, 2020

Full details can be found at http://www.aes.org/events/149/authors/cfc/

Posted: Friday, June 12, 2020

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Audio Engineers Around the World Converge for the AES Virtual Vienna Convention

AES President Agnieszka Roginska addresses AES Virtual Vienna attendees during the Convention's Opening Ceremony on June 2, 2020

AES President Agnieszka Roginska addresses AES Virtual Vienna attendees during the Convention's Opening Ceremony on June 2, 2020

 — The AES’s first online Convention drew participants from 59 countries. The global professional audio community can still experience AES Virtual Vienna throughout the month of June 2020 —


The Audio Engineering Society offers “A World of Audio” through a variety of events, resources and networking that bring together a global community of attendees, presenters and other participants throughout the year. The 2020 AES Spring Convention – AES Virtual Vienna – was presented in real time to a global audience, June 2 – 5, 2020, as the Audio Engineering Society hosted its first-ever completely online convention.  Despite being moved from its original, physical venue in Vienna, Austria, due to recent worldwide travel restrictions, the AES Virtual Vienna Convention thrived, with attendees from 59 countries logging in to view and take part in over 200 presentations in live-stream and on-demand formats, many of which offered real-time Q&A discussion with the presenters and other attendees. Best of all, the entire AES Virtual Vienna Convention will remain online through June 30, 2020, for those currently registered, and registration (for as low as $50) will remain open through that time for anyone wishing enjoy the AES Virtual Vienna Convention on their own time, online at AESEurope.com.


In addition to more than a hundred on-demand Papers Sessions, Engineering Briefs, Posters, Technical Tours, Workshops, Tutorials and more, AES Virtual Vienna featured the most popular events of all AES conventions, including Keynote speeches, a Heyser Presentation, the Opening Ceremony and Awards presentations. Core Student and Career Convention events also took place, including meetings of the AES Student Delegate Assembly, Recording Critiques, Recording and Design Competitions and even an interactive Education and Career Fair. AES Virtual Vienna Partners and Sponsors, including Platinum Partner Genelec, Silver Partners Proactive Audio, Sound Solutions International and USound, and Partners Austrian Audio and Focusrite Pro, also took advantage of the unique online opportunity to present products and technologies to attendees and take part in Virtual Vienna presentations.


AES Virtual Vienna garnered overwhelmingly positive response from the online audio industry through social media, event reviews and other avenues. Attendees shared their experiences and insights, with comments such as “Learning and getting inspired at AES Virtual Vienna,” “Virtual Vienna is packed full of great presentations, papers and panels,” “Just got done attending awesome Virtual Vienna presentations from Alex Case on Lead Vocal mix strategies. There’s something for everyone at AES international convention,” and “Thank you AES for making the Virtual Vienna videos available for view after the live stream…Getting a nice catch up now” summarizing some common sentiments among attendees. Perhaps expressing the industry-wide desire for the connection and camaraderie that is the heartbeat of AES conventions and events the best, one Virtual Vienna presenter, who, like many, is also an eager attendee, Tweeted “I know you can’t see me, but I’m cheering for you behind my screen #VirtualVienna!” Further, one Virtual Vienna partner company, taking advantage of the AES community and the caliber of AES event attendees, took the time to post “by the way, we are hiring!”


The complete AES Virtual Vienna Convention, including the full Technical Program of Workshops, Research Papers, Posters, Engineering Briefs, Technical Tours and more, are available online through 10:00pm CEST / 4:00pm EDT, at AESEurope.com, with registration still open through 6:00pm CEST / 12:00 noon EDT, June 30, for those who wish to experience AES Virtual Vienna on their own schedule through the on-demand archive. Visit AES.org to find out about upcoming Audio Engineering Society events and section activities around the world.

More Information

Posted: Thursday, June 11, 2020

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AES New York Fall Convention Update

AES New York Fall Convention Update


The Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact large event feasibility, planning and logistics. You may have seen that the NAB NY Show 2020 is being converted into a digital event. While we have collocated with NAB NY in recent years to our mutual benefit, and we share the desire to make decisions in the best interests of our attendees, the Audio Engineering Society and its legal team are still in ongoing discussions with the Javits Center concerning the scheduled AES New York Fall Convention, while closely monitoring information from health authorities and New York government’s guidelines and restrictions.  

The Convention Technical Program planning is progressing on a normal schedule. Registration, however, has not yet been opened while the feasibility of a safe, productive and enjoyable physical convention undergoes further evaluation.

The public health precautions that are impacting our industry so drastically are the same that are impacting our potential to host a traditional AES Convention with all its many elements.

Following the success of the recent AES Virtual Vienna online convention, the Fall Convention Technical Program will be available worldwide in an online streaming format.

The safety of our members, attendees, participants, and staff is the highest priority. The Society suggests that attendees and prospective participants refrain from finalizing travel arrangements at this time. When a final determination of the status of the physical event can be made, we will provide further information to participants. We appreciate your patience.

More Information

Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2020

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Voting for AES 2020 Election Open Through July 3rd

Voting for AES 2020 Election Open Through July 3rd


AES Members – voting is now open for the AES 2020 elections for officers and governor of the Society. The slate of officers linked to their AES Member Profiles, and a link to download submitted candidate biographies and optional candidate statements of goals and objectives, are available at http://www.aes.org/elections/slate/. Once you have reviewed the materials and are ready to vote, go to https://GES.Vote and enter your information to begin the process.

Each officer and governor will participate in developing and implementing programs and policy for the entire Society on a worldwide basis. Please exercise your voting right and responsibility as a Member by voting.

Online voting will end at 5:00pm (EDT) on Friday, July 3, 2020. Any Member having trouble voting should contact Global Election Services: [email protected] or 1-800-864-1263.

Only full Members in good standing are allowed to vote in the election. Persons who have not paid their dues for 2020, or wish to upgrade their status to Member in order to vote, must do so no later than June 26, 2020, 5:00om (EDT) by visiting the AES Member Portal at http://www.aes.org/dues.

Posted: Friday, June 5, 2020

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A Statement from the AES

A Statement from the AES

Dear AES members,

We are about to witness the beginning of Virtual Vienna, our first all-virtual convention. The AES recognizes the great work of audio innovators, developers and practitioners everywhere, inclusive of all backgrounds and interests.  

It is with this in mind that we are heartbroken by the recent tragic events in the United States, the killing of unarmed Black citizens including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. These events are affecting our members and the broader audio community directly and indirectly.  Many in the US are feeling angry and hurt and confused.

We condemn racism and brutality in the strongest terms and appreciate the outpouring of concern and support that has come from our international community. We support the Black community, we believe that Black lives matter, and we stand with those who are affected by systemic and institutionalized racism. 

We are a community of passionate people spread around the globe, from many different cultures and walks of life and we are working hard to help weave a global audio community. There is no easy way to solve all our problems or reconcile any potential differences between people but we are committed to continue working on your behalf, to learn from each other and to foster a healthy AES.

Virtual Vienna aims to showcase the wonderful things that bring us together. We are in the business of communication and in using technology to bring people together to share experiences. As you navigate the program at Virtual Vienna, upcoming conferences and events, we hope you can take care of yourselves and each other.

We think you will come away from these events enlightened, inspired and connected - with an ever greater sense of community.

AES Leadership

Posted: Monday, June 1, 2020

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Audio Science Takes on Leading Role with AES Virtual Vienna On-Demand Content

The AES Virtual Vienna Convention will offer online on-demand content presenting research in audio science and application

The AES Virtual Vienna Convention will offer online on-demand content presenting research in audio science and application

 — AES Virtual Vienna will bring attendees a full program of on-demand presentations, including scientific Papers, Engineering Briefs and Poster sessions —

The AES Virtual Vienna Convention is just days away – taking place, online, June 2 through 5 – and the final schedule of events is being announced, including the Convention’s slate of over 100 On-Demand presentations being made available throughout the show. From full scientific research Paper presentations and Poster sessions, to experimentation in practical applications of breaking audio technologies outlined in Engineering Briefs and more, this year’s AES Spring Convention Technical Program offers unprecedented access in an affordable format available to anyone with an internet connection. 


Scientific research of audio principles and theory is the backbone of the Audio Engineering Society’s mission of furthering the science and art of audio engineering, and a highlight for Convention attendees each show. This year’s Papers program features over 45 such presentations, available on demand beginning June 2, covering a variety of disciplines including Audio Signal Processing, Perception and Evaluation of Audio, Spatial Audio, Loudspeakers and Microphones, Recording and Production, Audio Education, Network Audio, Room Acoustics and more. Papers being presented during AES Virtual Vienna will be available to attendees for a period after the show and will then join the archive of over 17,000 searchable documents in the AES E-Library. In addition, over 70 on-demand Engineering Briefs and Posters present more concise studies of a given topic, offering quick analysis of concepts, studies and application experimentation from researchers, students and engineers from around the world.


This year’s new online format for the AES Spring Convention offers a variety of opportunities to experience an AES event like never before, combining live streaming, on-demand content, and live Q&A dialog into a new experience, more accessible than ever. On-demand content will be available at the start of the Convention, and available for a limited time to AES Virtual Vienna attendees.



The complete AES Virtual Vienna Technical Program of events, presenters and more is now available online – Register Now and make plans to join us at AESEurope.com.


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Posted: Friday, May 29, 2020

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AES Virtual Vienna Convention Workshop Schedule Announced

Registration is open now for everything that AES Virtual Vienna Convention has to offer in its comprehensive technical program

Registration is open now for everything that AES Virtual Vienna Convention has to offer in its comprehensive technical program


— Technical program presentations offer the latest audio engineering science and technology in a variety of fields of expertise —


The schedule of events for the upcoming AES Virtual Vienna Convention is now available, outlining the 40-plus scheduled Workshop presentations taking place June 2 – 5 as part of the AES’s first-ever exclusively online, international event. AES Virtual Vienna offers an unprecedented chance for attendees to experience what AES Conventions have to offer from anywhere with an internet connection. Industry experts, educators, peers and pros from around the world will present on topics including Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Archiving and Restoration, Audio for Cinema, Audio Education, Game Audio, AVAR, Spatial Audio, Product Development, Recording and Production, Sound Reinforcement, and more. Complete schedule and online registration are available at AESEurope.com with low registration fees – as low as $50 USD for AES members – sweetening the opportunity.


AES Virtual Vienna will offer a wide variety of scheduled streaming and on-demand paper, poster and engineering brief presentations, real-time Q&A, and more. The four days of scheduled content begin with the Workshop “Active Sensing and Slow Listening” presented by Thomas Lund and continue on with presentations throughout the day including “Transform Processing Of Audio: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly!” with Jamie Angus – who will also be presenting one of the convention’s keynotes lectures on day four – along with a presentation on “Getting a Foot in the Door” to your audio career, a Student Delegate Assembly meeting, and the convention’s Heyser Presentation, presented by Francis Rumsey.


Other Virtual Vienna Convention highlights include presentations on “The Secret Life of Low Frequencies” with Bruce Black and the Workshop on “Binaural Audio V2 – Is Future Entertainment Ready to Go?” featuring producer Tom Ammermann, producer/engineer/musician/author David Miles Huber, composer/sound designer Thilo Schaller, AES Past President Andres Mayo, and current AES President Agnieszka Roginska. Other featured presentations rounding out the program include the timely topic of “Teaching Technology in the Time of Pandemic,” “Virtual Audio Interfaces – Interacting with Sound and Music in Extended Realities,” “Deep Learning for Audio Applications – Engineering Best Practices for Data,”The Lead Vocal – Record and Mix Strategies,“ “Remapping the Model of Studio Production Techniques,” and many more presentations designed to present “A World of Audio” possibilities to attendees.
The complete AES Virtual Vienna schedule of events can be viewed here, and registration is open 24/7 at AESEurope.com

More Information

Posted: Wednesday, May 20, 2020

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AES Lays Out "A World of Audio" for a Global Audience: AES Virtual Vienna Convention

Register Now for the AES Virtual Vienna Convention, taking place online June 2 — 5

Register Now for the AES Virtual Vienna Convention, taking place online June 2 — 5

— In its first global online event, the AES will offer a full convention experience through a variety of streaming, on-demand and interactive events —


As the first-ever virtual convention hosted by the Audio Engineering Society approaches, anticipation grows over the chance to share convention sessions and interact with industry experts in a new and unique platform. The AES Virtual Vienna Convention will take place June 2 – 5 and will be accessible by anyone in the world with an available internet connection, offering an unprecedented chance to listen, learn and connect globally with audio peers and pros. 


An Overview of the AES Virtual Vienna Convention

What: The AES Virtual Vienna Convention 2020 presents the finest traditions of AES Convention Technical Programs. The latest audio research, technologies, practical application, boundary-expanding experimentation and inspiration will be offered through Special Events, Keynote and Heyser presentations, Workshops, Tutorials, and Paper and Poster sessions.


The online streaming and on-demand format is tailored to the realities of a world practicing social distancing. Virtual Vienna will feature scheduled streaming content – nine hours a day with two independent streaming channels available on the final two days. A host of Convention paper, poster, tutorial, and additional Technical Program presentations will be available on demand to registered attendees during the Convention, and for some period of time after. Realtime Q&A with presenters will follow streamed presentations, and ongoing Q&A text dialog will be available on all sessions. Scheduled streaming presentations will be added to the on-demand library after airing. 


AES Conventions are rich in student and career activities – for AES Virtual Vienna, that means new spins on Student Recording Competitions (drawing their largest ever number of submissions given that attendance is now online), critique sessions of student projects and the Education and Career Fair. 


AES Virtual Vienna Convention sponsors, including Platinum Partner Genelec, Silver Partners Sound Solutions International and USound, along with sponsor Focusrite Pro, will present additional instructional, educational and informational content.

Where: Available on internet connections around the world


When: Scheduled streams: June 2 – 5, 11 AM – 8 PM Vienna time (UTC+2) / 5 AM – 2 PM EDT (UTC-4). “Prime time” each day will be 2 PM – 5 PM (UTC+2) / 8 AM – 11 AM (UTC-4). On-demand content will be available beginning June 2.

Who: Audio technology thought leaders including engineers, producers, students, educators and more working in recording and production, broadcast and streaming, acoustics and psychoacoustics, sound reinforcement, archiving and preservation, networked audio, product development and audio education.

AES Members, Associates & Fellows – $50.00

AES Student Members – $25.00

AES Non-Members – $175.00
AES Life / Honorary Members – Free


For professionals and students who’ve never invested in an AES Convention’s full technical program, AES Virtual Vienna offers an affordable and convenient opportunity to see what they’ve been missing and to participate in everything an AES Convention has to offer. Make plans to join the AES and help make history during the first-ever Virtual AES Convention. Find out more and register now at AESEurope.com.


Posted: Friday, May 15, 2020

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AES Virtual Vienna Convention to Connect Students and Educators Worldwide in Four-Day Online Event

AES Virtual Vienna will provide audio students worldwide an open door for direct contact with leading educators and companies in its Education and Career Fair, always a popular element of AES Conventions (snapshots shown from AES Dublin 2019)

AES Virtual Vienna will provide audio students worldwide an open door for direct contact with leading educators and companies in its Education and Career Fair, always a popular element of AES Conventions (snapshots shown from AES Dublin 2019)

— AES Virtual Vienna Convention activities to include student recording and design competitions, an Education and Career Fair, Student Delegate Assembly events and more for just $25 for AES Student Members —


While the world is taking on day-to-day activities in new ways and working with new circumstances, the Audio Engineering Society is bringing “A World of Audio” to virtual attendees, this June 2 – 5, with the AES Virtual Vienna Convention. AES Conventions place a high priority on the education and enlightenment of tomorrow’s audio professionals. This year’s AES spring convention continues that tradition, offering a slate of activities aimed directly at audio students and educators, including Technical Program content, meetings and events hosted by the AES Student Delegate Assembly (SDA), a virtual Education and Career Fair, student competitions and student project critiques – all available in the most accessible AES convention ever. AES Virtual Vienna registration is now available online, with a low rate of $25 for AES Student Members for all four days of the Convention’s comprehensive and expansive Tech Program.    


Several highlights for students attending the AES Virtual Vienna Convention include the Student Recording Competitions in six categories (Traditional Acoustic Recording, Traditional Studio Recording, Modern Studio Recording & Electronic Music, Sound for Visual Media, Remix and Immersive Audio), and the Saul Walker Student Design Competition (gear and software), where students’ projects are critiqued and judged by a host of industry professionals, offering a great learning opportunity for participants and observers (and great prizes for the winning submissions); the Education and Career Fair, showcasing educational offerings and job opportunities from leading institutions and companies from around the world; Student Recording Critique sessions, providing non-competitive professional input and advice for students at all stages of training; SDA organizational and planning sessions; and externally available webinars on audio software design from MathWorks and Audio Programmers Workshop.


“AES Conventions are filled from start to finish with student activities offering amazing opportunities for learning, for meeting fellow students and networking with industry leaders, and for students to develop leadership skills of their own in these student-led and organized events,” said AES Education Committee co-chair Magdalena Piotrowska. 


Education Committee co-chair John Krivit notes that as a benefit of the Convention going online, with no travel required, the number of students taking part in the various competitions has increased, and similar increases are possible for technical program registration. “Taking these elements online for AES Virtual Vienna will make these opportunities available all around the world, to anyone with an internet connection – come join us!”


Across 80-plus hours of Technical Program sessions, core audio topics and the technology of today and tomorrow will be explored, with additional focus on audio elements and workflow solutions for new distribution platforms. Representing cutting-edge developments in the science of audio, the latest research and the application of such research will be showcased through streaming presentations of Keynote addresses, Papers, Posters Workshops, Engineering Briefs, Tech Tours and other technical program content, along with live- and forum-based dialog with presenters. AES Virtual Vienna Convention sponsors, including Platinum Partner Genelec, will also present instructional, educational and informational content.


Find out more and register now at AESEurope.com to make plans to join us for this first-of-its-kind AES event. 

Posted: Tuesday, May 12, 2020

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Exclusively for Members — AES Virtual Vienna Encore Series Presents Alex Case Q&A, Monday, Sept 14

Exclusively for Members — AES Virtual Vienna Encore Series Presents Alex Case Q&A, Monday, Sept 14

AES members will have the exclusive opportunity to join the perennially popular AES presenter Alex U. Case on Monday, September 14 for a live, online Q&A to cover topics from his AES Virtual Vienna Convention session, “The Lead Vocal – Record and Mix Strategies”. Video playback of the session is available to members now through 5 PM EDT September 18 for on-demand Encore Presentation replay via the AES Member Portal. The live Q&A will take place at 8PM EDT via a Zoom link that will be available on the AES Member Portal on Monday, September 14.

“The lead vocal is almost always the single most important track in any sound recording,” begins Case, Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator - Sound Recording Technology, University of Massachusetts Lowell. “From music to podcasts,” he continues, “the voice is a critical source of human emotion, expressive musicality, engaging tone, and essential intelligibility. Such traits must be captured, preserved, and often enhanced through a workflow that includes good practices for artist comfort, local acoustics (studio, booth, or bedroom), microphone selection and placement, and signal processing (EQ, Compression, Reverb, Delay, Pitch Shift, Distortion, and De-Essing).” Case’s presentation is a structured discussion of the key elements of art, craft, and technology designed to empower sound engineers to develop creative strategies for recording and mixing the lead vocal.

The Encore series of members-only events brings noted presenters of enlightening – and even historic – AES events together with AES members for online dialog.

Posted: Monday, May 11, 2020

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