
AES News


The Audio Engineering Society Announces Organizing Committee for 2018 AES New York Convention

AES New York Convention Co-Chairs Valerie Tyler, Jonathan Wyner and Paul Gallo

AES New York Convention Co-Chairs Valerie Tyler, Jonathan Wyner and Paul Gallo

The organizing committee of the 145th AES International Convention in New York City has been announced, as plans get underway for the largest Audio Engineering Society event of the year. Taking place at the Jacob Javits Center, October 17-20, this year’s AES New York Convention will build upon the record-setting attendance and unparalleled Technical Program content that characterized AES New York 2017 – one of the most memorable conventions in AES history. Once again being co-located with the NAB New York Show, which more than doubled the content creation professionals attending both events’ exhibitions, the Convention will be led by Co-Chairs Paul Gallo, Valerie Tyler and Jonathan Wyner. This year’s Convention will also celebrate 70 years of the Audio Engineering Society’s contributions to the art and science of audio engineering and the growth of the Society throughout some of the most innovative years in audio technology development, including the burgeoning fields of audio for gaming, audio for virtual and augmented reality and spatial audio. Registration is currently open, with deep discounts for AES Members and Student Members, at aesshow.com.


Along with the convention co-chairs, committee members from a variety of backgrounds and expertise have been selected to put together the AES New York 2018 Technical Program and events. “We’re delighted with the volunteers who’ve stepped forward to assemble the technical program for AES New York 2018,” said convention co-chair Wyner. “These individuals are all leading experts in their audio specialties, and based on the work to date, the convention program will be spectacular.” This year’s committee comprises Archiving & Restoration Chair Jessica Thompson; Audio Builders Workshop Chair Owen Curtin; Audio for Cinema Chair John Whynot; Broadcast and Online Delivery Chair David Bialik and Assistant Chair Fred Willard; Diversity and Inclusion Advisor Leslie Gaston-Bird; Education Chair Kyle P. Snyder; Historical Chair Dan Mortensen; Networked Audio Chair Bob Lee; Papers Co-Chairs Areti Andreopoulou and Braxton Boren; Product Development Chair Scott Leslie; Project Studio Expo Director Glenn Lorbecki; Recording and Production Co-Chairs Jim Kaiser, Michael Romanowski and Paul "Willie Green" Womack; Sound Reinforcement Co-Chairs Henry Cohen and Mac Kerr; and Student Events Chair Mitchell Graham. The fields of spatial audio, game audio and audio for virtual and augmented reality will be covered in an expansive list of sessions under the leadership of Steve Martz, Michael Kelly, Gavin Kearney and Agnieszka Roginska.


The AES New York Convention will feature four full days of Technical Program research presentations, workshops and tutorials (October 17-20) and three days of Exhibition Floor showcases and demos (October 17-19) from leading names in professional audio manufacturing and services, along with the popular Project Studio Expo, Live Sound Expo, and other specialized events. Additionally, AES Student and Career activities will include recording and design competitions, a new MATLAB plugin design competition, career fair and other ways to network with students and professionals from around the world. If it’s about audio, it’s at AES – the ultimate opportunity for audio professionals of all specialties, and future audio pros, to listen, learn and connect!


Register now at aesshow.com and receive the best possible pricing and options as you make plans for your AES New York Convention experience. Registration at any level for AES New York 2018 includes access to the NAB Show New York exhibition. AES New York 2018 Exhibits-Plus registration is complimentary through June 15. 

Posted: Wednesday, June 6, 2018

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New AES Membership Status Logos

New AES Membership Status Logos

New AES Membership Status Logos A new addition to the AES Member Portal is the opportunity for members to download dedicated graphics denoting their Audio Engineering Society membership status. These new logos can be used for email signatures, social media badges, or any other place where members want to display their Society status and dedication to the art and science of audio engineering. AES Membership logos are also great for linking to a members’ AES Member Profile personal page on the AES site, which can be used to share bios, membership activities, credits and work history, external links, awards and other relevant industry information.

To download the logos:

• Log In to the Member Portal on aes.org (the Log In button is at the top right of the home page).

• Once logged in, the left of the page is a benefits and navigation menu. Under “My AES” click the link “Download Member Logo”

• Download links will be displayed for two formats each of three color options of the appropriate logo for a given member’s type of membership.

• Brief usage guidelines are at the top of the download page.

Posted: Thursday, May 31, 2018

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An Open Letter to Membership and Industry

An Open Letter to Membership and Industry

The Audio Engineering Society’s mission is to promote the science and practice of audio by bringing leading people and ideas together. Its first meeting was held on February 17, 1948 at New York City’s RCA Victor recording studios. At that time, an executive committee of five (J.D. Colvin, C.J. LeBel, C.G. McProud, N.C. Pickering, and C.A. Rackey) worked to assist the nascent professional society in establishing its first constitution, now known as the Society’s bylaws. Remarkably durable, the Audio Engineering Society’s Bylaws continue to guide our corporate governance efforts today. As past, current, and future presidents we have pledged to uphold them upon accepting our current role and appointment.

Now, in this 70th year of our existence, the Society can be described as more active, diverse, and influential than ever before. In the past few years, transformative efforts within the Society have provided even more benefits to membership, and more effective channels to engage industry. The new AES Live online videos section (http://www.aes.org/live/) is a collection of more than 200 topical expert presentations covering wide-ranging fields as Post Production, Musical Acoustics, Transducers, Church Sound, Game Audio and many more. The Society’s E-Library is building its assets, now containing more than 17,000 fully searchable PDF files documenting the progression of audio research from 1953 to today (http://www.aes.org/e-lib/). A good introduction to this online library is a set of curated, themed Collections such as headphone technology, live sound reinforcement and ribbon microphones.

Under its new manager Dr. Richard Cabot and the AESSC (Standards Committee), our Society’s Standards operation has recently implemented a program to engage a growing number of Standards Sustainers, whose support the Society sincerely appreciates (http://www.aes.org/standards/). This group of industrial manufacturers and technical associations complements the Society’s valued Sustaining Members group, now including 133 audio and acoustical equipment manufacturers, research organizations, and educational facilities. (http://www.aes.org/sustaining_members/).

The working mechanisms of the Society and the efforts of our active, volunteer committees and dedicated Executive Director and his professional headquarters staff have been yielding an ever-expanding group of Society events. These range from regional events like AES Brasil Expo, AES Mexico and the AES UK Mastering Conference, to our traditional annual conventions in the United States and Europe, to the new AES@NAMM education and training event to be held each January on the USA’s west coast. Additionally, there is a slate of international conferences featuring world-class, category-leading experts from a broad spectrum of fields such as Automotive Technology, Audio Forensics, Music Induced Hearing Disorders, Audio Archiving, Preservation and Restoration, Spatial Reproduction, Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality and more (http://www.aes.org/events/). The growing number of engagement channels to reach an increasingly-diverse audio engineering community throughout the world is made possible through the tireless efforts of numerous, dedicated volunteers—many just like us, and you.

As volunteer members of the Society’s Executive Committee, we three are committed to participating not only in issues of corporate governance, but in ongoing dialogue with you, our global membership, and the dynamic audio engineering industry from which each one of us, like you, are drawn. We are pleased to note, based upon metrics for Q1 2018, Society membership has increased about 8% compared to Q1 2017. A focused effort by the Society’s Membership Committee and AES headquarters staff is yielding positive results.

As part of this effort, the recently-established Diversity & Inclusion sub-committee is reaching out to an ever-growing number of audio professionals. To highlight just a few developments during the past year, the Society’s number of Chinese members has doubled; AES welcomed its first Board-approved professional section in Nigeria; and a new student section was recognized in Quito, Ecuador. For many of you, and a growing number of colleagues, AES membership is not a passive activity, but a personal and active one. In professional and student sections around the globe, lively local meetings are taking place. Members are convening to explore the latest in audio topics and technologies with each other. Current news about some of these local activities can always be found here within the JAES, the official publication of the AES (http://www.aes.org/journal/). This is the only peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to audio technology. It’s published 10 times each year and is available to all AES members and subscribers.

For those interested in becoming more directly involved in the Society’s ongoing activities, we urge you to browse the Committees section on our website. Your comments, suggestions, and perhaps even more active participation in areas like Education, Membership, Publications Policy, Historical, and of course our wide range of 20 different Technical Council committees are actively welcomed. Please reach out to our dedicated volunteer committee chairs when you have something to contribute in your own field of special interest (http://www.aes.org/committees/).

As our Society grows and evolves, it is encouraging and exciting to note that your Board of Governors currently includes officers and committee chairs with residences as geographically-diverse as Beijing, Vienna, Montevideo, Istanbul, Boston, and many other international locations. Since it is once again that time of year, we urge each voting (Full) member of the Society to participate in our upcoming 2018 Election of Officers. Details for this year’s Slate of Candidates will soon be announced by the Nominations Committee.

Finally, we look forward to collaborating with many of you at the AES 144th this month in Milan (http://www.aes.org/events/144/), Italy and in October 2018 at the AES 145th (co-located with NAB) in New York (http://www.aes.org/events/145/) as the Audio Engineering Society continues to “…promote the science and practice of audio by bringing leading people and ideas together.”

Yours together in audio engineering,

Alex Case

Past President

Chair, Membership Committee


David Scheirman



Nadja Wallaszkovits


Chair, Strategic Planning Team


Posted: Friday, May 25, 2018

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AES Milan Convention Opening Ceremonies Resound With "The Power of Sound"

AES Milan 2018 Convention Co-Chairs Alberto Pinto and Nadja Wallaszkovits

AES Milan 2018 Convention Co-Chairs Alberto Pinto and Nadja Wallaszkovits


The AES Milan 144th International Convention set the stage for four days of all things audio with the Opening Ceremonies on Wednesday, 23 May. Exemplifying this year’s theme of “The Power of Sound,” the AES Milan Convention, taking place 23–26 May in Milan, Italy, brings together audio industry professionals, students, educators and top brands and audio service providers from around the world for the purpose of advancing the art and science of audio engineering.   

AES Executive Director Bob Moses began the opening ceremonies by welcoming attendees and praising the volunteers and staff who make AES Conventions possible. Moses introduced AES President David Scheirman, who highlighted the attraction of the Milan region as a historically significant center of technological innovation, led by visionaries including Leonardo Da Vinci and Marconi – such innovation continuing today with a concentration of professional audio manufacturers.  

AES Conventions, noted Scheirman, fulfill the AES’s mission of promoting advancements in the science and practice of professional audio, “bringing leading people and ideas together.”  

As 2018 marks the 70th Anniversary of the Society, Scheirman reminded that in 1948, five individuals gathered to form the AES, which now counts over 12,500 members worldwide. In the past year, the AES has seen the creation of new professional sections in Nigeria and Taiwan, along with a new student section in Quito, Ecuador – the first AES sections in these countries. The AES has seen eight-percent membership growth in the first quarter of 2018 compared to 2017. While highlighting the benefits of membership, including the largest repository of audio knowledge on the planet – the over 17,000 papers in the AES online E-Library and over 200 videos in the AES Live: Videos series – Scheirman encouraged all audio professionals to become members and for all members to “get involved”. 

Scheirman in turn introduced the Co-Chairs of the 144th AES International Convention, Nadja Wallaszkovits (also AES President-Elect) and Alberto Pinto, who thanked their Convention Committee members, sponsors and supporters for bringing AES Milan to life. 

Awards presentations are a part of the Opening Ceremonies at each AES Convention, and awards in Milan began with recognition for Convention papers presented by Bozena Kostek, Editor of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, and Dr. Rob Maher, AES Student Technical Paper Award Coordinator. The “Best Student Paper Awards” went to co-authors Qingbo Huang, Xihong Wu and Tianshu Qu, all of Peking University (Beijing, China), for the paper “Bandwidth Extension Method Based on Generative Adversarial Nets for Audio Compression.” The “Best Peer-Reviewed Paper Award” went to co-authors Leo McCormack (Aalto University – Espoo, Finland), Symeon Delikaris-Manias (Aalto University – Helsinki, Finland), Angelo Farina (Università di Parma – Parma, Italy), Daniel Pinardi (Università di Parma – Parma, Italy) and Ville Pulkki (Aalto University – Espoo, Finland) for their paper “Real-Time Conversion of Sensor Array Signals into Spherical Harmonic Signals with Applications to Spatially Localised Sub-Band Sound-Field Analysis.“ Both papers will be presented during AES Milan paper sessions on Thursday, 24 May.

Four Board of Governors Awards – given for outstanding contributions to the Audio Engineering Society – were also presented. The recipients were Maurycy Kin, for his work in support of the Polish professional audio community, to Sascha Spors and Nadja Wallaszkovits for co-chairing the 142nd AES Convention in Berlin Germany and to Toon Van Waterschoot for chairing the 60th International Conference on Deverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music and Speech. 

Capping the Opening Ceremonies was the Keynote address by Dr. Marina Bosi, who provided an insider’s view of the history of the science of perceptual audio coding, from its beginnings in the 1980s to the current state of the art and also giving a peek ahead to the future. “We see, more and more, compression as a technology enabler,” stated Dr. Bosi. Data compression efficiencies along with improved audio quality at lower data rates have accommodated the moves to surround sound – first 5.1 and now extending to even 22.2 immersive surround. More channels are accommodated at higher compression rates with excellent audio quality and more control with flexible rendering to allow adaptation to whatever configurations a consumer might be using. 

AES Milan continues through 26 May.

Posted: Thursday, May 24, 2018

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AES Milan Convention Starts This Week — Onsite Registration Opens Wednesday

AES Milan Convention Starts This Week — Onsite Registration Opens Wednesday

Visit aeseurope.com to find out how you can be a part of the AES Milan Convention. With this year’s theme, “The Power of Sound,” the 144th International AES Convention in Milan will bring together audio professionals, students, enthusiasts and advanced audio technologies from around the world for four days of audio immersion, experiences and networking like no other. 

Download the AES Milan 2018 - 144th Convention app now for the latest information and events at http://www.aes.org/mobile/.

More Information

Posted: Thursday, May 17, 2018

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Italian Professional Audio Manufacturers Embrace AES Milan Convention

Italian Professional Audio Manufacturers Embrace AES Milan Convention

As the professional audio community prepares to gather at AES Milan – Europe’s premier professional audio technology and networking event, taking place 23-26 May at the NH Hotel Milano Congress Centre in Milan, Italy – Italian manufacturers and distributors are also preparing to exhibit and share audio technology insights at the event. “Numerous respected professional audio brands throughout Italy are built upon a historical and globally-known heritage of invention, construction, manufacturing and global export, inspiring the ‘Power of Sound’ theme for the 144th AES International Convention,” notes AES President David Scheirman. The most prominent city in Northern Italy, Milan is a technology and manufacturing stronghold in the heart of a nation characterized by old-world charm and world-renowned as an incubator of innovation, with a thinker-craftsman-inventor culture built upon the historical legacy of icons like Leonardo da Vinci and the father of radio, Guglielmo Marconi. 

World-renowned manufacturers of processors, amplifiers, transducers and loudspeaker systems will exhibit and sponsor at AES Milan, including Contralto Audio, Faital, ITEK, K-Array, PowerSoft and Teknosign. Presenting in the AES Milan Technical Program’s Audio Applications Forum will be K-Array’s Daniele Mochi, addressing the topic “How Line Array Technology Has Inspired a New Approach to Microphones”, while Claudio Lastrucci of Powersoft will present a case study on powering subwoofer cabinets at high levels, with the title “Mains to Acoustic Efficiency.”

Italian manufacturers will be also be participating in the Professional Sound Expo (PSE), open to all attendees, including Exhibits-Plus registrants. Sessions on the exhibition hall PSE stage will include Faital’s Marco Baratelli and Grazia Spatafora presenting on “The Importance of Thermal Simulation in Loudspeaker Design: Case Study for a Compression Driver.” K-Array’s Mochi will discuss “The Advantages of Electronic Beam Steering and Its Relation with FIR Filters” and “The Longer, the Better: K-array’s Pure Array Technology Explained,” while PowerSoft’s Lastrucci will reprise his “Mains to Acoustic Efficiency” presentation for the PSE audience. Also in AES Milan’s Exhibition Hall, in addition to exhibiting manufacturers, will be Italian distribution companies AudioSales, ARET, Digiland, Midiware, Mogar Music, SMAPaudio, TEDES and VD Music Group.

Register now for the 144th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, and take advantage of best pricing, including substantial member discounts with Advance Registration, extended through May 14 in honor of AES Membership Month. Advance Registration includes the Exhibits-Plus option, giving attendees access to the exhibition, the PSE and special events. During Advance Registration, attendees can opt for a complimentary Exhibits-Plus registration by using the VIP code AES144NOW. For the ultimate AES Milan experience, an upgrade to All Access registration gives attendees access to all the Convention has to offer. The four-day technical program at AES Milan 2018 will runs 23 – 26 May, while the expo will be open 24 – 26 May.

View the full convention program and register now at www.aeseurope.com.

More Information

Posted: Wednesday, May 9, 2018

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AES Membership Month Extends AES Milan Registration, Opens NY 2018 Housing, Updates Refer-a-Friend

AES Membership Month Extends AES Milan Registration, Opens NY 2018 Housing, Updates Refer-a-Friend

 — Revamped Refer-a-Friend program now benefits both the new member and the referring member; AES NY 2018 housing opens early for members only; best pricing availability on All Access and Exhibits-Plus badges, including substantial member discounts, extended for the largest European AES event of the year —

The month of May is Membership Month for the Audio Engineering Society, with early opening of housing availability for AES New York 2018; AES Milan 2018 Advance Registration with its deep discounts for members extended; and a revamp of the Society’s Refer-a-Friend program.

Everyone wins with the new AES Refer-a-Friend program – the referring member and the new or lapsed renewing member each receive independent Discount Credits of 10% of the membership fee. Accumulated Discount Credits can be used toward anything that can be purchased at aes.org, including AES products, services, event registration, and Membership dues. Details are available at aes.org/membership/referrals

From May 1 through May 15, 2018, before AES NY 2018 Advance Registration opens on May 16, members also have exclusive access to housing registration for AES New York 2018, slated for the Jacob Javits Center, October 17–19 for the exhibition and October 17–20 for the technical program. This benefit allows members the opportunity to secure the best available rooms and pricing. The housing registration link is linked from the Member Discount page: secure.aes.org/members/discounts

Register now for the 144th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, set to take place May 23–26 in Milan, Italy, as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the AES, and take advantage of best pricing on Advance Registration, extended through May 14 in honor of AES Membership Month. Whether planning to take in all that the AES Milan Convention has to offer with a four-day All Access pass, or registering for an Exhibits-Plus badge in order to visit the exhibition floor and attend core special events, act now to save valuable time and money while at the show, and start planning your convention experience. As always, AES Members receive exclusive discounts of up to 50% on the two annual AES Conventions (the discount is the equivalent of the membership dues for All Access registration) and Conferences around the world, throughout the year, as well as a host of other benefits. Even deeper discounts and incentives for students offer additional advantages to those studying for careers and opportunities in audio engineering and related fields and provide invaluable networking opportunities with professionals and peers from around the world.  

Whether you’ve been to an AES International Convention before, or are making AES Milan your first major event, you will find a wealth of useful information online at aeseurope.com, including an interactive calendar, Technical Program listings, exhibitor and presenter information, news and events, and everything you need to get the most out of your experience.  Make your attendance at AES Milan a top priority in your professional audio career and education, and come be a part of history as we take on the next advancements in Game Audio & AR/VR, Immersive Audio, Recording & Production, Sound Reinforcement, Product Development, Signal Processing, Networked Audio, and more. Current AES Members, as well as those looking to join, will have the opportunity to renew or register their membership onsite and to begin taking advantage of benefits, including pre-prints of AES Milan research papers and proceedings downloads, and more. 


About AES Milan
Themed “The Power of Sound,” the 144th International AES Convention will bring together audio professionals, students, enthusiasts and advanced audio technologies from around the world for four days of audio immersion, experiences and networking. Register now for AES Milan at aeseurope.com for Advance Registration rates through 14 May, including additional discount pricing for AES Members and students. Complimentary Exhibits-Plus badges are also available by using code AES144NOW at checkout.

Posted: Wednesday, May 2, 2018

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AES Milan Convention Recording and Production Events Program Announced

The Power of Sound — AES Milan 2018

The Power of Sound — AES Milan 2018

— Dedicated presentations and events represent the latest in recording technology and research —

The AES has always been at the center of the audio recording community, bringing the top engineers together to share techniques and promote new ideas. Next month’s AES Milan Convention will offer the year’s most comprehensive program of Recording and Production workshops, tutorials and demonstrations, along with chances to get your ears on the latest gear from top industry brands. Taking place 23-26 May at the NH Hotel Milano Congress Centre in Milan, Italy, AES Milan will present an immersive look at many topics of note in the recording and production industry.

Throughout the four days of the AES Milan Convention, professionals and industry experts will present the latest technologies and techniques in a variety of venues and formats. The popular Workshop sessions will include a wide variety of topics and interests, including: 
The Art of Vocal Production
Styling Your Live and Recorded Classical, Jazz, and Acoustic Ensemble Sound
ANTON - Universe in 3D: Ambisonics in Electronic Music Production 
Additional workshops include techniques for VR, 3D and spatial content, with dedicated sessions on miking, recording and stereophonic production.

A series of Recording and Production Tutorials will also look into different aspects of the audio engineering, including:
Psychoacoustics of 3D Sound Recording (with 9.1 Demos)
Total Timbre: Tools and Techniques for Tweaking and Transforming Tone
Intelligent Acoustic Interfaces for High-Definition 3D Audio

An additional Student & Career event, Classical Music Recording Education Panel Discussion: Contemporary Production Practices and Training Engineers for Today and the Future, will review what audio engineering programs are doing to cover both established recording techniques and modern approaches. Featuring educator and expert panelists from five countries, the panel will discuss how educators can anticipate future eventualities and what audio engineering students need to know now to innovate in the classical music recording of tomorrow.


About AES Milan
Themed “The Power of Sound,” the 144th International AES Convention will bring together audio professionals, students, enthusiasts and advanced audio technologies from around the world for four days of audio immersion, experiences and networking. Register now for AES Milan at aeseurope.com for Advance Registration rates through 1 May, including additional discount pricing for AES Members and students. Complimentary Exhibits-Plus badges are also available by using code AES144NOW at checkout.


Posted: Monday, April 23, 2018

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Anderson/Schwarz Surround and Immersive Recordings Sessions Present Unique Listening Experiences at AES Milan Convention

Jim Anderson (foreground) and Ulrike Schwarz, mixing at Skywalker Sound

Jim Anderson (foreground) and Ulrike Schwarz, mixing at Skywalker Sound

 — Hi-res recordings from around the world offer state-of-the-art multichannel listening experiences —

Exemplifying the Audio Engineering Society’s theme of “Listen, Learn, Connect,” AES Conventions present a wide array of exclusive listening experiences and events to attendees in virtually every format available. From headphones and in-ear monitoring, to studio monitors and sound reinforcement, the AES Milan Convention 2018 offers opportunities for first-hand demonstrations and in-depth listening experiences, with insight from renowned engineers and producers working with the latest emerging technologies. A highlight event of the AES Milan Convention will be the “New Surround and Immersive Recordings” sessions, presented by 2-time GRAMMY®-winning Jim Anderson (Anderson Audio; Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, New York University; Past President and Governor, AES) and Tonmeister Ulrike Schwarz (Anderson Audio NY), recipient of multiple European awards including the Diamant d’Opera, Diapason d’Or, and Echo Klassik, as well as accolades for his work on many GRAMMY nominated projects, in association with the AES Technical Committee on Recording Technology and Practices, the AES Technical Committee on Spatial Audio and the AES Technical Committee on High Resolution Audio.

“AES Milan Workshop W10 – New Surround and Immersive Recordings” will take place on Thursday, 24 May at 10:45, showcasing high-resolution surround and immersive recordings from around the world. Presenters Anderson and Schwarz will present listeners with works that they have recorded and mixed in the past year in sessions taking place in New York, Norway, Havana and beyond. Works to be presented include:

- Artist – Soprano saxophonist Jane Ira Bloom (artist and co-producer) “Early Americans” Best Surround Album GRAMMY (2018) (Anderson’s second Best Surround Album winning project) recorded at Avatar studios, New York, NY

- Artist – Stavanger Symphony Orchestra – Recorded at the Orchestra’s concert hall in Stavanger, Norway, mixed at Skywalker Sound, Marin County, CA, and mastered by Robert C. (Bob) Ludwig at Gateway Mastering, Portland, ME. SSO performs the Finn Mortensen “Symphony Op. 5” conducted by Peter Szilvay (released on Pure Audio BluRay in stereo/5.1/Dolby Atmos/Auro 3D) as well as a world-premiere composition by Gisle Kverndokk “Symphonic Dances” conducted by Ken-David Masur (to be released on Pure Audio BluRay in stereo/5.1/Dolby Atmos/Auro 3D, and vinyl)

- Artist – Pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba in a solo concert at Havana’s Grand Theatre – recorded live in Havana and mixed at Skywalker Sound

An additional Listening Session (Workshop W23) will be held on Friday 25 May at 11:00.

“Surround and immersive listening experiences have been one of the fastest growing and most exciting areas of development in professional audio production for many industry professionals,” states Anderson. “Our AES listening sessions have been a popular way, at AES Conventions, for attendees to hear some of the most cutting-edge examples of these recordings, and Ulrike Schwarz and myself look forward to presenting some our of latest works at AES Milan.”


About AES Milan
Themed “The Power of Sound,” the 144th International AES Convention will bring together audio professionals, students, enthusiasts and advanced audio technologies from around the world for four days of audio immersion, experiences and networking. Register now at for AES Milan at aeseurope.com for Advance Registration rates through 1 May, including additional discount pricing for AES Members and students. Complimentary Exhibits-Plus badges are also available by using code AES144NOW at checkout.

More Information

Posted: Friday, April 20, 2018

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Latest Audio Research and Technologies to Be Highlighted at AES Milan Convention

The Power of Sound — AES Milan 2018

The Power of Sound — AES Milan 2018

 — Research Papers, Poster Sessions and Engineering Briefs will showcase the work of over 100 researchers on a variety of audio engineering topics —

As the cornerstone of the Audio Engineering Society’s mission to promote the science and practice of audio, each AES convention features a wide array of presentations on research topics presented by leading engineers, scientists and students in the field of audio engineering, and the AES Milan convention, coming up 23-26 May at the NH Hotel Milano Congress Centre in Milan, Italy, is no exception. Brought together by AES Milan Papers co-chairs Ville Pulkki and Sascha Spors, the Convention’s Technical Program will feature research Papers, Engineering Briefs and Poster sessions by over 100 authors. 

Day one of AES Milan kicks off with a series of presentations on Loudspeakers, followed by a Poster presentation session on Transducers. Audio Quality, a hot-topic at this year’s convention, will then be delved into in two full sessions of paper presentations, followed by Loudspeakers – Part 2. The day’s papers sessions will close out with a Poster session on the topic of Applications.

Thursday’s Papers Sessions begin with a look at Spatial Audio and will run throughout the day on topics including Audio Education; Audio Coding, Analysis and Synthesis; Perception; and Measurements. Poster Sessions will also be held on the topics of Perception, Measurement and Modeling.  

On day three, presentations will take a further look at the topics of Spatial Audio and Perception, as well as a session on Audio Processing and Effects. Poster Sessions will include the topics of Analysis, Synthesis, Audio Processing, Audio Education, and Audio Coding and Quality.

Day four Papers Presentations will focus on the topics of Audio Processing and Effects, and Audio Applications, with a final Poster Session on Spatial Audio.

Additional scientific research in audio technologies is presented through a series of Engineering Briefs, which offer experience- and experiment-based presentations on a variety of topics (all later made available to all AES members for free download). Taking place on the first three days of the convention, the Engineering Briefs series will include such topics as Applications and Audio Education, Signal Processing, Audio Effects, Instrumentation, Measurements, Forensics, Spatial Audio, Transducers & Psychoacoustics, and more.

“The innovations in audio technology and applications presented in this year’s Papers sessions continue the rich history of invaluable information that the AES has contributed to audio engineering over the past 70 years,” states Papers co-chair Sascha Spors. “The AES Milan Technical Program and Papers Presentations represent the core scientific basis for this year’s convention as we forge ahead in new and emerging directions in audio.” 

For the complete schedule of AES Milan Papers and Engineering Briefs Presentations, visit http://www.aes.org/events/144/program/. Downloadable Papers will also be available to all AES Members in the AES E-Library prior to the convention. Visit aeseurope.com for updates.


About AES Milan
Themed “The Power of Sound,” the 144th International AES Convention will bring together audio professionals, students, enthusiasts and advanced audio technologies from around the world for four days of audio immersion, experiences and networking. Register now for AES Milan at aeseurope.com for Advance Registration rates through 1 May, including additional discount pricing for AES Members and students. Complimentary Exhibits-Plus badges are also available by using code AES144NOW at checkout.

More Information

Posted: Monday, April 16, 2018

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