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AES Dublin Professional Sound Expo Offers Technology-Driven Events

AES Dublin Professional Sound Expo coordinator and host Glenn Lorbecki addressing the audience during a prior PSE event

AES Dublin Professional Sound Expo coordinator and host Glenn Lorbecki addressing the audience during a prior PSE event

— Open to all badgeholders, the PSE offers topical presentations on the latest in Audio Networking, Broadcast Audio and Post-Production/Sound for Picture —

AES Dublin attendees will have the opportunity to learn from top-name engineers and producers presenting at this year’s Professional Sound Expo, taking place inside the Product Showcase at the AES Dublin International Pro Audio Convention. Open to all AES badgeholders, the three-day expo offers a chance to explore the hardware and software on display at the convention and interact with professional audio manufacturers and distributors. Presentations will feature Audio Networking, Broadcast Audio and Post-Production/Sound for Picture and Recording and Production topics. Advance registration ends on March 18.


“We’re delighted to bring the Professional Sound Expo to Dublin, a city that’s home to so many great musicians and recording engineers,” states AES Dublin Professional Sound Expo coordinator and host Glenn Lorbecki. “The PSE stage focuses on the practical application of some of the scientific and technical content presented elsewhere at AES. From audio-over-IP to immersive sound design, and from miking techniques to control room tuning, we have a broad slate of topics that serve as an introduction to the comprehensive AES Dublin Technical Program.”


The Professional Sound Expo sessions will feature more than a dozen recording- and production-focused presentations such as “How Well Do Your Mixes Translate?” and an onstage interview with producer Gethin Pearson, as well as “Mitigating Audio Packet Loss Over IP for Live Broadcast,” “Immersive Audio Demystified” and “Remote Mixing and Remote Production – Workflows, Challenges, Benefits.” Sponsoring partner brands include Genelec and Tieline with additional presentations also by Lawo and Prism Sound.


Advance Registration for AES Dublin – offering significant discounts to attendees – has been extended online through March 18 at aeseurope.com. Additional discounts, including complimentary Product Showcase badges during Advance Registration, are available for AES members, with even deeper discounts for student members. One- and two-day All Access registration options are also available. The AES Dublin Product Showcase will be open March 21 – 23, with the comprehensive All Access Technical Program – offering more than 200 papers, e-briefs, workshops and tutorials – taking place March 20 – 23. 

More Information

Posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2019

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