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Survey on Micro Aggressions in the Studio — Invitation to Participate -- University of Lethbridge

Survey on Micro Aggressions in the Studio — Invitation to Participate -- University of Lethbridge


Dear audio colleagues,

We are inviting you to participate in an anonymous online survey that aims to capture important demographic information about the audio industry, and recording producers and engineers’ experiences of discrimination and micro aggressions (defined as indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group) within the studio. The survey is aimed towards individuals who during the last ten years have worked in music production as a recording producer, an engineer, a mastering engineer, or a studio assistant on other people’s music. The results from the study will be used for academic, educational and industry purposes. The survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete and is divided into two parts.

Survey link: Bit.ly/microaggressions_in_audio

The survey will be available until December 20th and has been translated into nineteen languages. It can be accessed on your smartphone, tablet, or PC. Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous. Individual responses will not be able to be traced back to individual respondents. The anonymous data will be accessible only by our research team, select AES members who will assist in translation, and the survey administrators of the University of Lethbridge (Canada) who will all have signed a confidentiality agreement. There are minimal anticipated psychological and or emotional risks from taking part in this survey. You can stop answering questions at any time. You may withdraw your participation at any time by closing your browser. You are also free to answer or not answer any questions (other than the demographic data questions). Your data will be stored only once you submit your responses.

This study is being conducted by recording producer Dr. Amandine Pras and cultural sociologist Dr. Athena Elafros, both from the University of Lethbridge, in partnership with the AES Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and with the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The micro aggressions portions of the survey (including micro aggressions statements) are based upon previous peer-reviewed publications on micro aggressions in the workplace.

Even if you do not feel that you personally have experienced micro aggressions or discrimination, we still encourage you to respond. We also encourage you to share the survey link with your colleagues.

If you have questions about the study, you may contact [email protected] or +1 (403) 332-5261. You may also contact the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Lethbridge at [email protected] or +1 (403) 329-2747 if you have questions about your rights as a participant. This research has been reviewed for ethical acceptability and approved by the University of Lethbridge Human Subject Research Committee.

Dr. Amandine Pras & Dr. Athena Elafros
Assistant Professors at the University of Lethbridge
Grace Brooks, PhD Candidate, McGill University


Posted: Wednesday, October 30, 2019

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