To my greatest regret I shall not attend the Amsterdam Convention.
As I told you some months ago, I have had a lot of troubles to install a data base that will fit all of the requirements for the H. K. Thiele Archive. After an "ACCESS" data base seemed not to be the right choice, I decided to try "mySQL". Since I am not a perfect programmer or even a specialist in computer use, I asked two students to develop a "mySQL" data base for me. After having started eagerly, they left me with an incomplete version before they went off for holidays. So I have to wait, or to go back to "ACCESS", which, as I now learned can be also handled via internet.
In the meantime the Sennheiser company has donated a PC for the archive. With the aid of another student we upgraded it with new software and new hardware. The installation of "ACCESS" will be in the next few days, and I hope that the work can then go on.
I hope you are well and I wish you and all friends of AES a successful Amsterdam Convention
Best regards, Manfred