Minutes of the Meeting at the 116th AES Convention, Berlin
2004 May 10
Attending: 15 people. Al Grundy, Alex Balster, George Brock-Nannestad,
Willy Aubert, Louis Manno, Jerry Bruck, Ernst Voelker (acting chair),
Erich Kamp, Cornelius Bradter, Klaus Hobohm, Erich Schleicher, Johannes
Richter, Kunimaro Tanaka, Ted Sheldon (secretary).
1. Opening by the Chairman
E. Voelker, chairman of the meeting in place of Jay McKnight, called the meeting to order at 12:35.
2. Greeting from Ernst Voelker
E. Voelker greeted those attending on behalf of AES HC Chair Jay
McKnight. He indicated that Vice-Chair Irv Joel had planned to attend,
but could not do so owing to illness. All members present wished Joel
good health and a speedy recovery.
3. Introduction of Members and Guests
Members and others attending the meeting identified themselves. Also, a sign up list was distributed.
4. Report of the Chairman and Discussion
The chair reviewed the activities that have been held and will take
place at this conference. He thanked all members who had contributed to
the success of the presentations and exhibits at this Berlin
convention. He mentioned that nearly 100 years ago, attempts were being
made to add a mechanical-disc sound track to early motion picture films
at Babelsberg near Berlin. He noted that historical equipment and
artifacts are on display here in the AES Historical Booth in the
convention exhibit area that were used in these efforts. Further,
Babelsberg film, television and audio historical demonstrations now
being presented are drawing large audiences. These presentations will
continue throughout the convention and a tour of Babelsberg will also
be available for Historical Committee members and convention attendees.
5. Projects. During discussion that followed these remarks, discussion of the following projects and topics took place:
5.1 AES HC Communication.
The need was presented for a status report giving the current status of
AES HC projects. It was suggested that the status report should updated
at least every six months. Also, members requested that AES HC meeting
notes be sent to members. These active means of communication would be
better than the passive methods now used via the website.
5.2 Dutch Broadcasting Museum.
The Dutch Broadcasting Museum will move to another building next year. For now, the museum is operating on a reduced schedule.
5.3 Audio-Visual Time Line.
W. Aubert is continuing his work on the audio-visual history time line,
and encouraged members to contact him regarding contributions. He
anticipates that a draft soon will be available. A question arose as to
how members could contributed to the time line, and Aubert asked
members to talk with him after the meeting or contact him by email. A
short discussion of the intended content of the time line helped to
clarify the direction it is taking.
5.4 Thiele-Krause Archive.
This collection now is at Berlin University. A presentation at this
convention from Klaus Hobohm and Cornelius Bradter of Berlin University
in charge of the archive discussed the work to organize and make
accessible the contents of the Thiele-Krause Archive among others
5.5 Other Archives
It was noted that other archives remain in private hands (those held by
Schueller, Kupper, Hoffman and Manno were mentioned), and may become
endangered through death or changing circumstances. The AES HC can help
preserve the contents of these collections in many ways. This is an
enormous task. Efforts need to be strengthened, and members must be
very watchful to identify audio engineering collections and threats to
their continued strength. It may be possible to cooperate with the AES
Education Committee in these efforts, and a member of that committee
indicated a willingness to work with the AES HC in this arena. It was
suggested that AES HC Chair Jay McKnight contact the AES EC chair to
explore areas of cooperation..
6. New Projects
George Brock-Nannestad proposed a new project. He noted that Stephen F.
Temmer proposed a review of patents having to do with audio
developments, but he has died and no documentation exists to describe
his progress. Brock-Nannestad noted the patents registered by in
Britain and presented examples. He proposed to scan the abstracts of
patents as they were published. Then it would be possible to scan the
patents themselves. He needs someone to go through the AES Journal to
look for content references to patents. It is anticipated that the AES
HC chair will take the proposal under advisement and seek more detailed
clarification from Brock-Nannestad.
7. There being no further business to conduct, E. Voelker encouraged
members and interested persons to attend the AES HC presentations yet
to come and to view the exhibits. He adjourned the meeting at 13:30.
Minutes submitted by
Ted Sholdon, Secretary
AES Historical Committee