The history of the Audio Engineering Society, from its founding in 1948
thru the year 1997, was written by the then-Chair of the AES Historical
Donald J Plunkett. It was published in the AES Journal in the 1998
January "Commemorative"
issue, and is now contained in the AES
Electronic Library.
We make that history available here by permission
of the AES Journal. It consists of four parts, with the
file sizes as shown below.
Note that these PDF files contain an OCR scan (Adobe calls it "Paper
Capture"), so you can use the Acrobat "find" to search these files --
for instance, for the name of an awardee, etc.
The Society's history has been updated in the online documents shown
with the Plunkett papers.
Donald J Plunkett, " Officers/Governors/Editors
1949...1998" and 1998...2004, from J Audio Eng Soc Vol 46 Nr 1/2, pp.
7...12; 1998 Jan/Feb (1.1 MB), with an addendum in 2004.