
AES Member Profile

Francis Rumsey

Job Title:

Member since:
AES Committees:
Primary Section:

Audio Field:

  • Consultancy

Job Duties:

  • Author/Journalist/Technical Writer
  • Consultant
  • Editor
  • Educator
  • Musician/Talent
  • Owner/Director
  • Researcher


I run my own company which specialises in technical writing, musical work and consultancy.

I am a consultant technical writer and editor for the AES journal and chairman of the AES Technical Council.

I'm a musician, playing the organ and piano, and singing in a local chamber choir.

AES Awards

In 1995, Francis Rumsey was presented with the AES Fellowship Award for significant contributions in the field of audio education, including the application of digital techniques to audio equipment and practices.

In 2014, Francis Rumsey was presented with the AES Board of Governors Award in recognition of his Chairing the 52nd AES International Conference in Guildford, UK, in September, 2013.

In 2014, Francis Rumsey was presented with the AES Bronze Medal Award in recognition of his outstanding long-term contributions to the AES, providing leadership to the Membership Committee, Regions and Sections, and the Technical Council, in addition to remarkable and sustained editorial contributions to the Journal of the AES.

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