Job Title: Dr. Eng., Associate Professor
Aristotle University, School of Journalism and Mass Communications (Lab of Electronic Media)
Status: Member
Member since: 2009
AES Committee: Associate Technical Editors
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Contact: Charalampos Dimoulas
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Twitter Name: @dbabis007
Dr. Charalampos A. Dimoulas was born in Munich, Germany on August 14, 1974. He received his diploma and PhD from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in 1997 and 2006, respectively. In 2008, he received a post-doctoral research scholarship on audiovisual processing and content management techniques for intelligent analysis of prolonged multi-channel recordings at the Laboratory of Electronic Media (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh). He elected Lecturer (November 2009), Assistance Professor (June 2014), and Associate Professor (October 2018) of Electronic Media in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, AUTh, where he is currently serving.
Dr. Dimoulas was the program chair of the AudioMostly 2015 conference on "Sound, semantics and social interaction," co-editor of the associated ACM proceedings ( and the JAES special issue(s) (2) on "Intelligent audio processing, Semantics, and interaction," (Vol. 64, no 7/8 & 9, 2016). He is also one of the authors of the recently published IGI book on Cross-Media Authentication and Verification: Emerging Research & Opportunities ( He was the leader of the "audiovisual team" for the Pandora robotic vehicle ( project, mainly focusing on audio detection — localization and machine vision tasks. He is a member of the Multidisciplinary Media & Mediated Communication (M3C) Research Group ( and participates in the initiative for the Greek media misinformation observatory ( He is also serving as the Secretary-General of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics —Helina ( Dr. Dimoulas has participated in over thirty (30) national and international research projects and many respective scientific publications. His current scientific interests include media technologies, audiovisual signal processing, machine learning, multimedia semantics, cross-media authentication, digital audio and audiovisual forensics, and more. Dr. Dimoulas is a member of IEEE, EURASIP and AES, and the editorial board of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES) on the topics signal processing and semantic audio (
Lalla 4
GR-54644 Thessaloniki
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