
AES Member Profile

Barry Rudolph

Barry Rudolph

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Audio Fields:

  • Recording Industry - Music Recording/Mix Studio
  • Recording Industry - Home/Project Studio
  • Educational Institutions - Educator

Job Duties:

  • Mixer
  • Author/Journalist/Technical Writer
  • Educator
  • Engineer
  • Producer
  • Recording Engineer


Barry's discography includes engineering and mixing for artists: Rod Stewart, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Hall and Oates, The Corrs, Pat Benatar, BB Mak, Enrique Iglesias, Waylon Jennings, Mick Jagger, Robbie Nevil, Selena, Jon Bon Jovi, Tony Williams, Keith Moon, Wall Of Voodoo, Natalie Cole, The Beach Boys and many more.

Barry has worked with producers: Tom Dowd, Steve Cropper, Jerry Fuller, Robin Smith, Oliver Leiber, David Gamson, Neil Giraldo, Rick Rubin, Stanley Clarke, Josquin Des Pres, and Don Cornelius to name a few.

Barry has his own futuristic music mixing facility called "Tones 4 $" Studios (pronounced Tones For Dollars)

He is a lifetime Grammy-voting member of NARAS and a contributing editor for Mix Magazine, Music Connection Magazine plus many Web sites and blogs.

Non-AES Awards & Award Nominations

Numerous NARAS Grammy nominations and winner of three Participation Grammys.

He has worked on over 30 RIAA-certified gold and platinum records.

Certified Avid Pro Tools Instructor.
Dante Level 3 certified

Education Background

Graduated with an Associate of Science Degree from Santa Ana College in 1969 and then a Bachelors of Science Degree from Long Beach University in 1970.

Employment History

While attending college, I worked full-time at various SoCal aerospace companies as a digital test technician.

My first studio job was in 1969 at an Orange County studio and later I moved to West Hollywood to start at Larrabee Sound Studios around 1970. As a first engineer, recorded and mixed my first gold record in 1972 at Larrabee and I was able to start working as a freelance engineer from then onward.

I started teaching audio engineering part-time in 2010 at Pinnacle college Alhambra and later at Musicians Institute, Hollywood until 2019.

I enjoy giving one-on-one mixing lessons here at my Tones 4 $ Studios in North Hollywood, CA

Related Experience

I started writing for music magazines in about 1987 at Music Connection Magazine. In about 1997, I started also writing technical equipment reviews for George Petersen at Mix Magazine and continue to be published in both those journals nearly ever month.

I am an Instructional Designer and write courses and tutorials and various technical articles for Sonarworks and other Web sites in addition to my own

Why Am I An AES Member?

My AES Membership is an important feather in my professional recording engineer's hat.

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